Content Creator Info

Airships: Conquer the Skies
6 Aug 2018, 4:38 p.m.

Would you like to make videos or streams of Airships: Conquer the Skies? Here's some helpful info.

Requesting a key

If you would like a Steam key for your channel, please email me linking your channel in the email.


You are permitted to monetize videos and streams of Airships: Conquer the Skies.


Press Kit including screenshots, font, logo, and misc art.

Recording Setup

Some creators have reported issues with setting up the game for recording. You can edit the launch_settings.json file in the game install directory to force the game to use a specific windowed resolution and a system cursor. Using this in combination with Window Capture in OBS should work reliably.

Here's an example configuration that creates a 1280x720px game window:

    "forceSystemCursor": false,
    "useCustomWindow": false,
    "customWindowFullscreen": false,
    "customWindowBorderless": false,
    "customWindowX": 20,
    "customWindowY": 20,
    "customWindowW": 900,
    "customWindowH": 600,
    "customWindowUseSimpleGraphics": false,
    "customMultiplayerServerAddress": null,
    "customDataDirectoryLocation": null,
    "maxGIFSizeMB": 15,
    "customGIFSaveDirectoryLocation": null,
    "maxNetworkSendBytes": 50000


If you have any other questions, require graphics assets, or tech support, please don't hesitate to contact me.