- All graphics subtly redrawn with cleaner colour palette.
- Nicer backdrops, clouds, explosions, smoke, trees, and birds.
- New decals: roundels, ship name plates, gold leaf, eyes and teeth.
- Nicer paint rendering.
- Nicer graphics in low-quality mode.
- New modules: large Suspendium chamber, Suspendium dust tank and propeller.
- Updated ship and building designs to use new modules.
- Fixed crash in multiplayer chat.
- Fixed bug where ground would be duplicated after strategic combat.
- Cost reduction bonuses now applied correctly in strategic mode.
- No longer get instant counterattacks after strategic combat.
- Apostrophes now display correctly in game text.
- Fixed spy action failure messages.
- Armour info now translated and includes weight.
- Potential fix for launch problems in Windows 8.
- Fixed subtle bug that occurred when airships split into multiple chunks.
Improvements and Adjustments
- Ships now bounce off the left/right combat borders.
- Multiplayer chat now automatically scrolls down to newest message.
- AI will now surrender if heavily outgunned.
- Decals are automatically re-applied after combat.
- Adjusted lift from Suspendium chambers (less) and ammo store capacity (more).
All of which means that you should buy Airships: Conquer the Skies now, if you haven't already: