The passive-aggressive urban guerrilla

David Stark / Zarkonnen
3 Jul 2014, 5:19 p.m.

I kind of want to be part of a passive-aggressive urban guerrilla movement. It would do the following things:

  • Paint extra pedestrian crossings where they are needed.
  • Install extra bike racks where there's a big shortage, converting some parking spaces if needed.
  • Install missing road signs at crossings.
  • Install benches in shopping areas and other public spaces that lack them.
  • Check public right of way for footpaths and remove any obstructions and lying notices.
  • In places where the road surface on the road edge has become very dangerous to cyclists, and there is no space to cycle around the damage, cause additional damage to the road sufficient for it to be actually repaired.
  • In major bus stations, put up plans showing which bus departs where.

All of the additions would be made to look as official as possible, so that most of these alterations are not questioned by anyone.